Organisation Set Up

Before your organisation can launch on eFundraizer there are a few quick set up tasks we need you to complete. You don’t have to complete these all in one go. You can log back in and complete these at your leisure. To do this simply visit My Profile from the main menu.

1. Enter Paypal Addresses

Please add your Paypal account details. Adding your Paypal account allows you to receive funds. You can have two Paypal accounts attached to your account. If you only have one account, then it will be used for all transactions.

Fundraising Paypal Account

Used for funds received from the emarketplace, ebooks, enoticeboard.

General Expense Paypal Account

Used for funds received from the eUniforms & eEvents.

2. Add other users

The following people have admin user accounts for your organisation.

Mr Username
Ms Username

Add Users

Fill in the new user details below and hit the invite button to send them an invitation to join.

3. Module Selection

By default your organisation has 8 eFundraizer modules you can use. We recommend you choose all modules to maximise community engagement and interaction.

4. Forum: Student Participation

Please select whether students can participate in the forum. This will allow students to post, comment and vote in the forum.

5. Set Up Classes

Please add / edit your classes. Existing classes.

Existing Classes

Year 7 Mr Jones
Year 8 Mrs Smith

Add Classes

Please complete the form below for each class you wish to add.

6. Add Content

We recommend that you populate your organisation's profile pages with great content before you launch it to the world. You don't want your users logging in to see empty sections and fields.

Add items to the marketplace List Now
Set up your online uniform store List Now
Add second hand textbooks List Now
Set up a crowdfunding project List Now
Add some new articles List Now
Start a discussion List Now